Perinatal Case Management (PCM)

Perinatal Case Management (PCM) is a service offered to pregnant females that supports, enhances, and coordinates the health and other services recommended for mothers and babies.

The major goal of PCM is to reduce infant illness and death by improving pregnancy outcomes. Perinatal Case Management services are personalized and includes the following:

  • Individualized assessments, plans, linkage to services, and follow-up
  • Begins early in pregnancy to build support systems for needed resources
  • Is comprehensive, utilizing assessment and planning to address economic, nutritional, psychosocial, educational, and medical/health areas of care throughout the pregnancy and into the postpartum period
  • Ensures the provision of comprehensive preventative services to pregnant women and their infants
  • Provides referrals for:
    • Medical costs
    • Prenatal care
    • Prenatal education
    • WIC services
    • Other needed services
    • Contact with pregnant women and their infants

Contact your local county health department for additional information.